Conventional and Non-Conventional Power Plants
The heat sources used in power plants vary from traditional fossil fuels to renewables. Power plants can be divided into two categories – conventional and non-conventional – based on their source of energy. We focus on conventional power plants as non-conventional power plants (hydro, geothermal, biomass, solar and wind power plants) generate renewable electricity-producing little or no emissions.
Conventional power plants are:
- Fossil fuel power plants: Generates electric power by burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas or diesel.
- Nuclear power plants: Controlled nuclear reaction is maintained to generate electricity.
- Hydroelectric power plants: Electricity is produced by building dams on suitable rivers.
Each power plant technology has advantages and disadvantages. For example, fossil fuel power plants deliver on-demand, consistent and reliable energy when the resources are available. On the other hand, the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil, produces emissions.
LCP BREF - Regulated Emissions Monitoring
Depending on the used fuel and implemented reduction systems, the flue gas emissions generally include carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOX), dust and mercury (Hg). Power plants need to monitor these emissions continuously according to local emission regulations.
Members of the European Union accepted new air pollution limits for large combustion plants in April 2017. Different variations of conventional power plants used for mechanical power and heat generation are covered in the Best Available Techniques Conclusions for Large Combustion Plants
(LCP BREF) document. The LCP BREF includes new emission limits values (ELVs) for sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), mercury, and particulate matter, and requires large thermal power plants in Europe to comply with those limits by 2021. New continuous measurement requirements presented in the LCP BREF document include ammonia NH3, when selective catalytic reduction SCR and/or selective non-catalytic reduction SNCR is used.

Our Solution: Monitoring Systems for Demanding Measurements
Our continuous emissions monitoring systems are certified systems designed for demanding emission monitoring measurements. We also have sampling system for dioxin and furans.
- The Continuous Emissions Monitoring System CEMS II e offers TÜV and MCERTS certified solution (QAL1) for a wide range of demanding emission monitoring applications. The CEMS II e system utilizes Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy FTIR technology. CEMS II e can also be equipped with a ZrO2 oxygen analyzer which is designed for continuous oxygen measurement of wet or dry flue gas. Gasmet CEMS II e is generally used to simultaneously measure the following 16 gases: H2O, CO2, CO, N2O, NO, NO2, SO2, HCl, HF, NH3, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, C6H14 and CH2O.
- The Continuous Mercury Monitoring systems CMM AutoQAL and CMM have the lowest certified range in the world (0-5 µg/m3). CMM AutoQAL has an automatic and integrated QAL3 validation tool. Systems are perfect for monitoring mercury continuously from hot, wet and corrosive gas streams. The systems utilizes Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) technology.
- The Dioxin Monitoring system GT90 Dioxin+ MCERTS certified device designed for long-term sampling of dioxin emissions and furans in conformity to the European standard EN1948-1 and EN15267. The system represents the cutting-edge technology for dioxin sampling and fulfills all the requirements of the dioxin measurement standard.
Why choose Gasmet as your emissions monitoring partner?
Gasmet is an ideal partner for the power industry. Our solutions have proven their applicability in all areas of the power generation process, from material flow to pollution control to emissions monitoring. Here are the top 5 reasons why you should choose us as your partner:
- Reduce risks with equipment that satisfy all regulatory requirements
- Save money with minimal maintenance, operational costs and calibration
- Gain longevity of investment with a long lifetime expectancy
- Future-proof your investment. With Gasmet’s solutions, if there are additional requirements, new compounds can be added to the measurement setup without costly hardware changes.
- Gasmet has a reputation for providing analytical expertise, supplying quality products and services
Which Gasmet system suits best to your emission monitoring needs?
Our Emission Monitoring Systems
Our products represent the pinnacle of what can be achieved in the measurement of gaseous emissions using automated measuring systems. We excel in manufacturing reliable, sensitive, and cost-effective continuous emission monitoring solutions that represent the future of gas analysis. We have a world-leading reputation, and we take pride in making sure all our current devices and future solutions are fully certified to the latest standards.