Gasmet FTIR gas analyzers have been used for high-quality greenhouse gas research already for more than a decade. Gasmet analyzers have been used to measure greenhouse gases from soils, manure, ruminants, geothermal sources as well as aquatic environments.

> Agriculture
> Natural Ecosystems
> Animal Emissions

Agricultural soils

Agriculture significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions, underscoring the importance of accurate measurement for climate research. Gasmet’s portable multi-gas instruments revolutionize data collection by providing real-time analysis, eliminating the need for laborious sampling and laboratory analysis. With universal compatibility and on-the-move capabilities, researchers can now focus on results rather than preparation, simplifying and accelerating the process of understanding GHG soil exchanges.

Impact of weather and management practices on greenhouse gas flux dynamics on an agricultural grassland in Southern Finland
Laura Heimsch, Julius Vira, Istem Fer, Henriikka Vekuri,Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Annalea Lohila, Jari Liski, Liisa Kulmala 2024
Selected Carbon and Nitrogen Compounds in a Maize Agroecosystem under the Use of Nitrogen Mineral Fertilizer, Farmyard Manure, Urease, and Nitrification Inhibitors
Monika Skowrońska,Sebastian Kuśmierz and Jacek Walczak 2024
Co-Responses of Soil Organic Carbon Pool and Biogeochemistry to Different Long-Term Fertilization Practices in Paddy Fields Young-Nam Kim, Ji-Hyun Lee, Han-Ryul Seo, Jeong-Woo Kim, Young-Sang Cho, Danbi Lee, Bo-Hyun Kim, Jung-Hwan Yoon, Hyeonji Choe, Yong Bok Lee and Kye-Hoon Kim 2022
Soil pore space gas probes for use in agricultural research
Mark McDonald, Katie Lewis, Terry Gentry, Paul DeLaune 2021
Long-term effects of softwood biochar on soil physical properties, greenhouse gas emissions and crop nutrient uptake in two contrasting boreal soils
Subin Kalu, Asko Simojoki, Kristiina Karhu, Priit Tammeorg 2021

Identifying N fertilizer management strategies to reduce ammonia volatilization: Towards a site-specific approach

M.Mencaroni, N.Dal Ferro, J.Furlanetto, M.Longo, B.Lazzaro, L.Sartori, B.B.Grant, W.N.Smith, F.Morari 2020

Carbon footprint of constructed wetlands for winery wastewater treatment

Laura Flores, Joan García, Rocío Pena, Marianna Garfí 2020

Long-term diverse rotation alters nitrogen cycling bacterial groups and nitrous oxide emissions after nitrogen fertilization

Nicola F.Linton, Pedro Vitor, Ferrari Machado, Bill Deen, Claudia Wagner-Riddle, Kari E.Dunfield 2020

Assessing synergistic effects of no-tillage and cover crops on soil carbon dynamics in a long-term maize cropping system under climate change

Yawen Huang, Wei Ren, John Grove, Hanna Poffenbarger, Krista Jacobsen, Bo Tao, Xiaochen Zhuac, David McNear 2020

Influence of Tillage Systems, and Forms and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilizers on CO2 and N2O Fluxes from Winter Wheat Cultivation in Oklahoma

Tanka P. Kandel, Prasanna H. Gowda  and Brian K. Northup 2020

Carbon dioxide mitigation potential of conservation agriculture in a semi-arid agricultural region

Mark D. McDonald, Katie L. Lewis, Glen L. Ritchie, Paul B. DeLaune, Kenneth D. Casey, Lindsey C. Slaughter 2019

Influence of Contrasting Soil Moisture Conditions on Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Terminated Green Manures

Singh, H., Kandel, T. P., Gowda, P. H., Somenahally, A., Northup, B. K., & Kakani, V. G. 2019

Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, but suppress nitrous oxide emissions shortly after urea application

Teutscherova, N., Vazquez, E., Arango, J., Arevalo, A., Benito, M., & Pulleman, M. 2019

Nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas flux across an intensification gradient in diversified vegetable rotations

Shrestha, D., Wendroth, O., & Jacobsen, K. L. 2019

Nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by legume cover crops and nitrogen fertilization

Kandel, T. P., Gowda, P. H., Somenahally, A., Northup, B. K., DuPont, J., & Rocateli, A. C 2018

Natural Ecosystems

Understanding soil flux is crucial for climate change research, as biological and non-biological processes in the soil are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Gasmet’s portable FTIR analyzers streamline this process, offering lab-quality results in minutes with a compact, easily transportable design. Whether studying grasslands, wetlands, or forests, researchers can now obtain stable data points on-site, reducing the time and effort required for soil flux measurements in remote and diverse natural ecosystems.


Temperature Effect on CO2 Emission by Two Xylotrophic Fungi and by Wood Debris
D. K. Diyarova, V. D. Vladykina & V. A. Mukhin 2023
Variations in Soil Properties and CO2 Emissions of a Temperate Forest Gully Soil along a Topographical Gradient Anna Walkiewicz, Piotr Bulak, Małgorzata Brzezińska, Mohammad I. Khalil   and Bruce Osborne 2021

Belowground changes to community structure alter methanecycling dynamics in Amazonia

Kyle M. Meyer1, Andrew H. Morris, Kevin Webster, Ann M. Klein, Marie E.
Kroeger, Laura K. Meredith, Andreas Brændholt, Fernanda Nakamura,
Andressa Venturini, Leandro Fonseca de Souza, Katherine L. Shek, Rachel
Danielson, Joost van Haren, Plinio Barbosa de Camargo, Siu Mui Tsai,
Fernando Dini-Andreote, José M. S. de Mauro, Klaus Nüsslein, Scott
Saleska, Jorge L. M. Rodrigues, Brendan J. M. Bohannan
Bell, J. K., Siciliano, S. D., & Lamb, E. G. 2020
Korkiakoski, M., Tuovinen, J. P., Penttilä, T., Sarkkola, S., Ojanen, P., Minkkinen, K., & Lohila, A. 2019
Karu, H. 2015
Karu, H., Pensa, M., Rõõm, E. I., Portsmuth, A., & Triisberg, T. 2014

Arctic Soils

The effects of plant communities on methanogenesis and carbon dynamics in boreal peatlands Niemi, J 2023
Brummell, Martin 2015

Greenhouse gas production and consumption in High Arctic deserts

Brummell, M. E., Farrell, R. E., Hardy, S. P., & Siciliano, S. D 2014

N2O flux from plant-soil systems in polar deserts switch between sources and sinks under different light conditions

Stewart, K. J., Brummell, M. E., Farrell, R. E., & Siciliano, S. D 2012


Microbial Communities in Standing Dead Trees in Ghost Forests are Largely Aerobic, Saprophytic, and Methanotrophic Mary Jane Carmichael, Melinda Martinez, Suzanna L. Bräuer & Marcelo Ardón 2024
Common use herbicides increase wetland greenhouse gas emissions Christine M. Cornish, Olivia F. Johnson, Sheel Bansal, Jacob A. Meier, Ted D. Harris, Jon N. Sweetman 2024
Melinda Martinez, Marcelo Ardón, Mary Jane Carmichael 2022
Janousek C, Bailey S, van de Wetering S. Brophy L, Bridgham S, Schultz M,
Tice-Lewis M
Duval, B. D., Curtsinger, H. D., Hands, A., Martin, J., McLaren, J. R., & Cadol, D. D. 2020
Falk, J. M., Schmidt, N. M., Christensen, T. R., & Ström, L 2015
Falk, J. M. 2014
Falk, J. M., Schmidt, N. M., & Ström, L 2014

Water Bodies

Rõõm, E. I., Nõges, P., Feldmann, T., Tuvikene, L., Kisand, A., Teearu, H., & Nõges, T. 2014

Carbon dioxide emissions from dry watercourses

Schiller, D. V., Marcé, R., Obrador, B., Gómez-Gener, L., Casas-Ruiz, J. P., Acuña, V., & Koschorreck, M. 2014
Cremona, F., Kõiv, T., Nõges, P., Pall, P., Rõõm, E. I., Feldmann, T., … & Nõges, T. 2014
Bastien, J., Demarty, M., & Tremblay, A. 2011
Stewart, A. J., Mosher, J. J., Mulholland, P. J., Fortner, A. M., Phillips, J. R., & Bevelhimer, M. S. 2011
Guérin, F., Abril, G., Tremblay, A., & Delmas, R. 2008
Abril, G., Guérin, F., Richard, S., Delmas, R., Galy‐Lacaux, C., Gosse, P., … & Matvienko, B 2005


Baciu, C., Ionescu, A., & Etiope, G. 2018
Ionescu, A., Baciu, C., Kis, B. M., & Sauer, P. E. 2017
Etiope, G., & Ionescu, A 2015
Ciotoli, G., Etiope, G., Florindo, F., Marra, F., Ruggiero, L., & Sauer, P. E. 2013
Etiope, G., Tsikouras, B., Kordella, S., Ifandi, E., Christodoulou, D., & Papatheodorou, G. 2013

Animal Emissions

Ruminant livestock, through their digestive processes, contribute significantly to methane emissions, posing a challenge for carbon mitigation in animal agriculture. Gasmet’s FTIR multi-component analyzers provide a solution for researchers studying methane emissions from cattle and other sources in real time without the need for sample preparation. With lab-accurate results and adaptable sampling options, scientists can efficiently gather data to inform strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in animal agriculture.


Can manure application method and timing with cover crops reduce NH3 and N2O gas losses and sustain corn yield? Sailesh Sigdel, Curtis J. Dell, Heather D. Karsten 2024
Vadas, P. A., & Powell, J. M. 2019
Holly, M. A., & Larson, R. A. 2017
Powell, J. M., & Vadas, P. A 2016


Ammonia and Methane Emissions from Small Herd Cattle Buildings in a Cold Climate
Raphael Kubeba Tabase, Geir Næss, Yngve Larring 2023
Effects of Different Fibre Sources in Pig Diets on Growth Performance, Gas Emissions and Slurry characteristics Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Tran Thi Thanh Thao, Pham Van Dung 2021
S Kimm, S Rauterberg, L Broer, J Markus, J Schulz, N Kemper, M Fels 2020
Difford, G. F., Løvendahl, P., Veerkamp, R. F., Bovenhuis, H., Visker, M. H. P. W., Lassen, J., & de Haas, Y. 2020
Aruquipa, J. E. R 2020
Girard, M., Duchaine, C., Godbout, S., Lévesque, A., Létourneau, V., & Lemay, S. P. 2019
Danielsson, R., Lucas, J., Dahlberg, J., Ramin, M., Agenäs, S., Bayat, A. R., … & Roslin, T. 2019
Aruquipa, J. E. R., Colque, E. E. Q., Suca, J. G. M., Machaca, R. S., & Huanca, B. R. 2019
Phuong, L. T. B., Preston, T. R., Van, N. H., & Dung, D. V. 2019
Hu, E., Sutitarnnontr, P., Tuller, M., & Jones, S. B. 2018
Wu, L., Koerkamp, P. W. G., & Ogink, N. 2018
Pszczola, M., Strabel, T., Mucha, S., & Sell-Kubiak, E. 2018
Drewry, J. L., Powell, J. M., & Choi, C. Y. 2017
Haque, M. N., Hansen, H. H., Storm, I. M., & Madsen, J. 2017
Porsavathdy, P., Do, H. Q., & Preston, T. R. 2017
Pszczola, M., Rzewuska, K., Mucha, S., & Strabel, T. 2017
Porsavatdy, P., Preston, T. R., & Leng, R. A. 2016
Lassen, J., & Løvendahl, P. 2016
Machaca, M., Quispe, E. C., & Castro, A. 2015
Storm, I. M., Hellwing, A. L. F., Nielsen, N. I., & Madsen, J. ( 2012
Lassen, J., Løvendahl, P., & Madsen, J. 2012
Inthapanya, S., Preston, T. R., Khang, D. N., & Leng, R. A. 2012
Leng, R. A., Preston, T. R., & Inthapanya, S. 2012
Madsen, J., Bjerg, B. S., Hvelplund, T., Weisbjerg, M. R., & Lund, P. 2010


Nitrogen fertilizer driven nitrous and nitric oxide production is decoupled from microbial genetic potential in low carbon, semi-arid soil Mark D. McDonald1,2*† Katie L. Lewis2 Paul B. DeLaune3 Brian A. Hux1 Thomas W. Boutton4 Terry J. Gentry1 2023
Duval, B. D., Cadol, D., Martin, J., & Timmons, S. 2018
Marques, J. M., Etiope, G., Neves, M. O., Carreira, P. M., Rocha, C., Vance, S. D., … & Suzuki, S. 2018
Webster, K. D., Drobniak, A., Etiope, G., Mastalerz, M., Sauer, P. E., & Schimmelmann, A. 2018
Webster, K. D., Schimmelmann, A., Drobniak, A., Mastalerz, M., Lagarde, L. R., Boston, P. J., & Lennon, J. T. 2018
Nguyễn-Thuỳ, D., Schimmelmann, A., Nguyễn-Văn, H., Drobniak, A., Lennon, J. T., Tạ, P. H., & Nguyễn, N. T. Á. 2017
Lesmeister, L., & Koschorreck, M. 2017
Nwaishi, F., Petrone, R. M., Macrae, M. L., Price, J. S., Strack, M., & Andersen, R. 2016