Analytical Methods and Testbeds for Characterizing Adsorbents and Catalysts for Atmosphere Revitalization of Crewed Spacecraft
Spacecraft environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) include a number of air revitalization (AR) technologies to provide breathable air and a comfortable living environment to the crew. Crew health and comfort is ensured by controlling human produced CO2 (1 kg person-1 day-1 ) and water vapor (~2 kg person-1 day-1 ), and by removing trace contaminants (TCs) from cabin air. These life support functions on-board the International Space Station (ISS) are carried out by the Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA), the Water Processor Assembly (WPA), and the trace contaminant control system (TCCS). During the development of the TCCS, new analytical and theoretical methods were developed in the 1970s for characterizing adsorption and desorption characteristics of activated carbons for the purpose of designing suitable AR technologies required for controlling airborne trace contaminants within spacecraft cabins during long exploration missions. The TCCS removes harmful volatile organic compounds and other trace contaminants from the circulating air. It consists of a granular activated carbon (GAC) bed for the removal of high molecular weight contaminants and ammonia followed by a heated catalytic bed for low molecular weight hydrocarbons. The high temperature catalytic oxidizer (HTCO) of the TCCS, which operates at 400°C and requires 120W average power, removes low molecular weight compounds such as carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (CH2O), and methane (CH4), that pass through the GAC bed. The Air Revitalization Laboratory at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) was established to develop new analytical methods for evaluating emerging ECLSS technologies for use in future AR architectures. General properties of adsorbents and catalysts are required for trace contaminant control system design calculations and vendor-supplied data are seldom available at relevant process conditions of interest to spacecraft cabin applications. To address this shortcoming, appropriate testbeds were developed to measure the desired properties of AR technologies being considered for use in ECLS architectures. Generally, the testbeds developed at KSC challenge the test media (activated carbon, impregnated activated carbon, catalysts, zeolites, solid amines, or pleated filters) with simulated spacecraft gas streams containing representative mixtures of trace contaminants (volatile organic compounds, ammonia, CO, CO2, or siloxanes) at the flow rates, temperatures, and relative humidity that will be encountered within manned spacecraft. Work performed at KSC funded by NASA’s Advanced Exploration (AES) Program has included: Identifying candidate sorbents to replace commercially obsolete impregnated carbons for NH3 control within the TCCS, characterizing their adsorptive capacities using simulated spacecraft gas streams, and ranking their appropriateness in various AR applications; evaluating novel low temperature catalysts for controlling CO and formaldehyde by traditional and photocatalytic methods for trace contaminant control; 5 development of analytical methods to assess regenerable solid amine performance for CO2 control via pressure swing adsorption. The Air Revitalization lab was also funded to study trace contaminant control by other NASA programs. These include: screening of candidate sorbents for the design of new Charcoal HEPA Integrated Particle Scrubber (CHIPS) filters for removing siloxanes from cabin air; characterizing the performance of an impregnated activated carbon at low humidity for use in ORION ECLS; screening of sorbents for protecting the Sabatier 2.0 catalyst from DMSO2, siloxanes, NH3, and solid amine byproducts.