Gasmet Analyzers Help Research Find Answers to Climate Change
Understanding climate change and committing to its mitigation has become part of everyday life and actions in companies around the world. Gasmet, too, is committed to reducing its environmental impact through its company strategy and core business, gas analyzers. For this article, we introduced our very own sustainability experts, Quality Manager Ulla Kosonen and Marketing Director, Nenne Nordström who have been actively involved in creating Gasmet’s new 1.5 °C Strategy, which, for example, outlines Gasmet’s actions against Climate Change.
Each Gas Analyzer Matters in Greenhouse Gas Research
According to Nordström, the way we participate in the anti-climate-change work is two-fold.
Firstly, and most importantly, we manufacture and deliver devices that play an important part in greenhouse gas research. With our gas analyzers researchers and universities around the world can collect valuable data on greenhouse gases. As the data and insights presented by researchers is often the primus motor at higher-level legislative decision-making, we are proud to be part of the value chain.
“In other words, each device that we send off is a link towards better insight on and understanding of the climate change and greenhouse gases that impact the global warming”, says Nenne Nordström, Gasmet’s Marketing Director.
Each Gasmet device is an important link in the GHG research, says Nenne Nordström, Marketing Director at Gasmet.
Gasmet devices are, for example being used in boreal forest ecosystem research and in finding out the trees’ role in the GHG dynamics. Gasmet gas analyzers have also been utilized in research that focuses on ruminants’ methane emissions and how managing livestock’s diets may reduce GHGs.
As agriculture is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, we need to find effective ways to reduce them as much and as quickly as possible. Luckily some effective ways have already been discovered – one of them being the changes in ruminants’ diet and thereby reducing methane emissions. Another solution is using fertilizers that control the GHGs from the soil, which is another effective way to manage methane emissions.
In both cases, reliable and robust gas analyzing technology that can measure the effects these reforms have on gas emissions is required.
”Without high-quality gas analyzers this type of research and innovation would not be possible, and this is why we at Gasmet proudly want to offer our best possible know-how and expertise in the field of greenhouse gas emissions and research”, Nordström adds.
Corporate Sustainability Outlines Gasmet’s Actions Against Climate Change
Secondly, we at Gasmet are committed to changing the ways we work towards a more sustainable course of action. Thanks to our Quality Manager and Sustainability Ambassador Ulla Kosonen, big steps towards better sustainability at an everyday level at Gasmet offices have been taken. She has, for example, been a key figure in introducing Gasmet with its Corporate Sustainability Strategy and a more defined Impact Strategy, based on the former.
Kosonen explains that Gasmet’s Corporate Sustainability Strategy focuses on seven areas that elaborate our guiding principles, commitments and goals. We strive for a balance between environmental, social and economic focus, a high degree of transparency and strong engagement in our corporate story.
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy focuses on seven areas that elaborate our guiding principles, commitments and goals for better sustainability, explains Ulla Kosonen, Gasmet’s Quality Manager and Sustainability Ambassador.
The seven fields we aim to affect by better sustainability are:
- Climate change
- Emissions / air quality
- Resource consciousness
- Employee / public safety
- Employer of choice
- Good governance
- Long-term growth and sustained performance
Based on the Sustainability Strategy above, we’ve created a more defined Impact Strategy, which points out the three points we aim to tackle and impact the most. They are:
- Climate change
- Emissions / air quality
- Employee / public safety
This is all in line with our mission to provide solutions that help improve air quality, protect the environment, mitigate climate change and promote occupational safety.
1.5 °C Strategy Became Part of Workplace Culture
Our sustainable actions don’t stop in the two strategies introduced above. What is more, to support the Corporate Sustainability Strategy, we recently published a new 1.5 °C Strategy, which implies to the 1.5 Celsius degree limit to the global warming that the planet needs in order to turn the curve of climate change.
Instead of being a separate document, the 1.5 °C Strategy draws from the larger Corporate Sustainability Strategy that we engage with, and vice versa.
“With the 1.5 °C Strategy we want to show our commitment to sustainable actions at an everyday level not only as a company but also as a workplace. Individual-level actions and attitudes matter greatly in the anti-climate change work that we foster, and in fact, the 1.5 °C strategy has become an inseparable part of the organizational culture at Gasmet over mere corporate strategy”, Kosonen states.
So what is Gasmet doing differently now to show its commitment to sustainability against climate change?
“We have, for example, reviewed our recycling with our waste management partner and added more recycling types. We currently have ten different recycling categories, and employees can request new ones. Someone suggested we should recycle clear plastics and biodegradables, so we added them in. Everyone has a voice”, explains Kosonen.
These steps we have already taken:
- We ship our products in wooden, recyclable boxes to our customers worldwide.
- Instead of using plastic office water dispensers, we drink the high-quality tap water that we have in all our branches.
- Monthly Safety and Environmental walk to ensure the correctness and functionality of waste sorting at our facilities.
- Gasmet UK office has installed solar panels for use of green energy.
- We have replaced the lighting with LED to reduce energy consumption.
- Waste handling has been reviewed and recycling of waste has been extended to cover ten different categories – unrecycled waste reduced in 2018 from year 2017.
These steps we are about to make this year – even the little things matter:
- We’ve expanded our recycling types – the latest additions to office recycling are clear plastic and biodegradables.
- Gasmet will provide its employees with reusable water bottles and recyclable cups and cutlery – we will stop using disposables.
- We will adopt a Turn-off-lights-when-leaving-a-room policy.
- Will adopt a green purchasing policy of office supplies, which aims at:
- replacing plastic and Styrofoam packaging with more sustainable packaging materials.
- purchasing items made out of recycled materials, natural or bio-based products whenever possible.
- We will encourage our employees to
- take part in the Annual International Bike-to-work day.
- take part in the Bring-your-lunch-to-work day.
- adjust power settings on computers to save energy.
- save paper and reduce unnecessary printing.
As stated by Kosonen, the 1.5 °C Strategy and the changes it has brought have been greeted with positive attitudes and good feedback.
She points out that “the sustainable mindset has been adopted well at both board and employee levels. It is fantastic to see that the Gasmet is willing to invest in sustainability for a cleaner and safer future”.
Everyone at Gasmet has a chance to make a difference by suggesting new points of action that support our sustainable targets. We monitor our environmental impact through a new monitoring system, and data shows that we’ve already reduced the amount of waste and energy consumption compared to the previous year.
The list of things we can do for a greener future is not complete, nor will it ever be. With our core know-how of reliable and specific gas analyzers, and sustainable corporate values that run through Gasmet, we want to do our best to lessen our environmental impact and help science and research find answers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, eventually, mitigate climate change.