Gasmet Calibrator

Tool for Generating New Gas Analyzer Applications

Gasmet portable calibrator is one of the most important tools in generating new applications for the Gasmet FTIR gas analyzer. The calibrator incorporates a syringe pump, a manual needle valve, a mass flow meter, and a stainless-steel injection chamber. The syringe pump injects precise amounts of liquid or gas into a hot nitrogen gas flow, thus producing a continuous flow of a known concentration calibration gas.

The injected liquid is vaporized rapidly in the stainless-steel injection chamber, which can be heated up to 180 °C, making the calibrator particularly useful when generating high concentration water vapor calibration gas.

Works for Saturated Gases

By changing the syringe size, the calibrator can be used to produce homogeneous calibration gas from ppm concentrations up to several percentages (saturated gas).

The Gasmet calibrator is built into a sturdy suitcase. It can be easily transported alongside the Gasmet FTIR gas analyzer and the Gasmet portable sampling unit.
